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US-backed Syrian fighters spotted in MRAPs prior to ISIS assault
Kurdish forces, called the People’s Protection Units, or YPG, flaunted a mine-resistant ambush protected vehicle over social media Tuesday — an up-armored gun truck specifically designed to resist improvised explosive devices, but not previously authorized for provision to U.S.-backed forces.
Erdogan: Turkey to keep pushing Kurds out of Syria's north
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday that his military “won’t stop” trying to oust Syrian Kurdish fighters from northern Syria, as he met with the leaders of Russia and Iran for talks on trying to resolve the conflict.
Turkey says its forces have seized the Syrian town of Afrin
Turkey's president said Sunday the Turkish military and allied Syrian forces have taken "total" control of the town center of Afrin, the target of a nearly two-month-old offensive against a Syrian Kurdish militia, which said fighting was still underway.
Turkey warns as Syrian government poised to enter Afrin
Turkey warned the Syrian government Monday against entering the Kurdish-controlled enclave in northern Syria where a major Turkish military offensive is underway, saying it would hit back at the troops if their goal is to protect the Kurdish fighters.
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