How soon is too soon? ‘Six Days in Fallujah’ out 18 years after battleA controversial first-person shooter based on an actual battle and featuring real-life Marines in the game is now available to play on PC.By Matt Sampson21 months ago
Blumenthal seeks probe amid whistleblower claims at VA facility where 2 workers died in accidentSen. Richard Blumenthal said he received 75 pages of documents from two whistleblowers that include “powerful evidence that complaints of unsafe conditions were either disregarded or dismissed.”4 years ago
Nothing really matters, anyone can see: PODCASTDefense Nerds Podcast for June 3, 2019: The many controversies of Trump's visit to Japan and Jim Mattis' new book.By Leo Shane III and Joe Gould6 years ago
Why Trump asked the Wasp’s crew ‘electric or steam?’The warship Wasp doesn't even have catapults.By Mark D. Faram and Joe Gould6 years ago