Netflix posts trailer for ‘I Am Vanessa Guillen’ documentary'I Am Vanessa Guillen' follows the soldier's sisters as they work to fight the military's SH/SA policies.By Sarah Sicard2 years ago
How Hollywood can really help the US militaryNo one should do more to provide an environment free of sexual abuse than the U.S. military — one occurrence is one too many.By Thomas Ayres6 years ago
A sailor’s mom chimed in about #HimToo and the internet had a field dayA Navy veteran was unknowingly turned into an Internet meme sensation when his mom tweeted his photo as part of the #HimToo campaign.By J.D. Simkins6 years ago
This retired Marine’s book says the Corps has a history of gender biasThe fired commander of the Corps’ only female recruit training battalion defends her leadership.By Todd South7 years ago