Both pilots will report to Marine Attack Squadron 223, also known as “the Bulldogs.” Lt. Col. Christopher O’Melia was relieved of command of 1st Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, by the commanding general of 1st Marine Division. Samuel Wanjiru, 26, was said to have been visiting the island with his family. The work to prove out just how effective Marines are at shooting is ramping up right now. Coast Guard Petty Officer 2nd Class Kathleen E. Richard, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of her infant daughter in 2022. The incident, which took place outside near barracks aboard Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, left no reported injuries. One Marine corporal said maintenance issues have been getting fixed much more quickly than before the barracks inspection. Known as “the enlisted Marines’ Commandant” and by some as “Papa Bear,” Gen. Al Gray served in a Corps that had to rapidly change through major conflicts. Welcome back, Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 269. For the Marines who may one day carry out new kinds of operations, the stakes of these games are high. Load More