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When to hold the line
The author of this commentary said he hopes the secretary of defense and Joint Chiefs chairman avoid risking further harm to the military by considering carefully any decision to deploy active-duty military to America’s streets.
Handling of street protests creates crisis for Pentagon boss
Defense Secretary Mark Esper is facing the most politically charged crisis of his tenure, criticized for calling protester-filled streets a military “battle space” and accused of failing to keep the military out of politics.
Trump offers ‘domination’ of DC protests as model for states
Claiming he is backed by a “silent majority,” President Donald Trump turned the nation’s capital into a model for the overwhelming force he believes critical to stop sometimes-violent protests that have spread across the country in a time of racial unrest.
DC officials push back on aggressive response to protests
Officials in the nation’s capital pushed back Tuesday on an aggressive response by the federal government to demonstrations over the death of George Floyd, with the mayor flatly rejecting a Trump administration proposal for the federal government to take over its police force and one county in Virginia pulling its officers from Washington.
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