Get to know the heroic namesake of the newly christened Fort Johnson The Army redesignated Fort Polk, Louisiana, as Fort Johnson on June 13.By J.D. Simkins21 months ago
‘Medal of Honor’ illustrated series now available in paperbackContributions to the series were made by a talented team with track records that boast of some of the comic industry’s most well-known franchises.By J.D. Simkins4 years ago
Harlem Hellfighter honored in graphic novel"Medal of Honor: Henry Johnson" will feature the Army sergeant's heroic stand against a band of German soldiers.By Harm Venhuizen5 years ago
Black History Month a time to thank determination and service for African American veteransBecause of the bravery of these and other people of color before us, the 2 million African Americans who have returned from our more recent conflicts continue to build on a military foundation that is increasingly diverse and inclusive.By Jeremy Butler5 years ago
‘Each slash meant something’ — Harlem Hellfighter knifed his way to survival in the trenches of France Johnson fainted after the hour-long fight and sustaining wounds to his arm, feet, face and back, primarily from knives and bayonets.By J.D. Simkins7 years ago