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The Corps is axing all of its tank battalions and cutting grunt units
As part of Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David Berger’s plan to redesign the force to confront China and other peer adversaries by 2030, the Marines are axing all three of its tank battalions, and chucking out all law enforcement battalions and bridging companies, according to a news release from Marine Corps Combat Development Command.
By Shawn Snow
The plan to give soldiers a day’s worth of MREs in one ration. Seven days of food weighing less than 10 pounds
The Army is working on keeping dismounted troops fed for more than a few days without breaking their backs.
By Todd South
Tactical tablets to aid in precision strikes and fires are now being doled out to Marine grunt squads
These tactical tablets won’t be hailing Uber rides.
By Shawn Snow
The Corps is easing requirements for becoming a grunt squad leader
Sergeants course is no longer a requirement to earn the squad leader job field.
By Shawn Snow
The Corps is offering big bonus bucks for ground combat Marines in 2020
Some Marines may be eligible for bonuses and extra kicker payments totaling nearly $90,000.
By Shawn Snow