Military spouses eligible for up to $4,000 in tuition assistance through a Defense Department program can’t apply for the benefit thanks to technical problems that have extended a planned July server outage into August.
The planned updates to the My Career Advancement Account online portal, including the move to a new website, were slated to run July 19-27. The site remains down after encountering what officials characterized as “unforeseen technical issues” in a Monday Facebook post.
The program is open to spouses of active-duty service members in paygrades E-1 to E-5, W-1 and W-2, and O-1 and O-2, including spouses of activated members of the Guard and Reserve (Title 10 orders) in those same paygrades. It allows spouses to pursue job-related licenses, credentials or academic degrees from MyCAA scholarship-approved accredited colleges, universities or technical schools.

Via social media and in a statement to, officials said they are working on a temporary plan that would allow eligible spouses to apply for and manage their MyCAA accounts over the phone. Updates on that plan, and on the website’s relaunch, will be posted at the Defense Department’s Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Facebook page, officials said.
A Defense Department spokeswoman told that spouses already registered with SECO via Military OneSource would receive updates via email, or via phone if requested.
Noah Nash is a rising senior at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. At school, he is the editor in chief of the Collegian Magazine and the digital director of the Collegian, Kenyon's newspaper.