Whether you ride a new bike or an old one, you're likely to need some simple tools.
From basic jobs like using a wrench or pliers to adjust your mirror arm, to something more involved like rigging up a makeshift gas cap after losing yours, keeping some tools with you is always a good idea.
Over the last couple years, we've reviewed several tools. Some of them have stood the test of time and continue to be carried daily, while others have found a permanent home in a junk drawer.
Here are our top five tools that have been used and abused over the years. Read more below to see why:

The easier the tools are to carry, the more likely you are to have them on you when you need them. The Leatherman Skeletool is more compact, lighter and easier to carry than most Leatherman multitools, but still boasts a wide variety of tools to suit a huge range of functions. A pocket clip and carabiner make it easy to keep on your body or clipped onto a bag so you'll never find yourself without the tool when you need it.
Priced at $60, it's cheaper than most of the bigger tools in their lineup, but built with the same rugged materials they're known for. The Skeletool is a perfect daily companion to help with all your tasks, and is sure to take whatever abuse you can throw at it. Read the full review ...

I'm like a moth to the flame when it comes to multitools and everyday carry, or EDC, gear. My girlfriend used to think it was hilarious to call me Inspector Gadget; now she just hums the theme song whenever I whip out a pen stored in the back of my phone case or an Allen key from my key chain. I've tried all sorts of these fancy things, and to put it simply, the Victorinox Swisstool Spirit X is the best we've seen.
Having used similar tools from other brands, the first thing I noticed on the Victorinox was how smooth all of the actions were. There was no "squeeze point," like many of the other brands had, where the tool would be hard to open or close at a certain position.
When you have a Leatherman open, it'll sort of lock itself in the open position with friction and take a good amount of force to close; it's rough and inconsistent. It's like cutting with a dull knife. The smooth action on the pliers on this tool is reliable and much easier to use.
Appearance-wise, the Swisstool is sleek and classy. Made entirely of stainless steel, the polished smooth finish is nice looking and feels good in the hand. The smaller tools in the handle lock with a small spring-loaded release that's easily actuated with one hand while closing the tool. The handles have a slight contour to them which makes them fit the hand nicely both open and closed. Read the full review ...

Do more. Carry less. Ringtool was conceived as an ultralight solution for cyclist commuters, but its applications extend far beyond the biking community. A super-compact alternative to lugging around a full-size toolkit, Ringtool lives on any standard key ring, always on-hand for minor repairs or in the event of an emergency.
Not only is it portable, Ringtool is nearly indestructible: The carefully selected grade of hardened stainless steel is a favorite among trusted multitool brands for its balanced combination of strength and corrosion resistance. Read the full review ...

Everyday carry tools have been gaining an incredible amount of popularity in the last few years as items that take up a minimal amount of room but offer a wide variety of functions. We have featured a variety of them on the site, but none like the three sizes offered by Griffin Pocket Tool.
The Griffins offer nine, 11, or 13 tools, depending on the size that you choose. All versions also function as clean and easy pocket clips to hold and organize your keys. Read the full review ...

You will be hard-pressed to find a rider with an older bike whose tool roll hasn't been meticulously refined. Unnecessary items removed, multifunctional pieces added to save room, flimsy tools replaced with sturdier ones. It is here that the Mininch Tool Pen Mini finds its home.
The Mininch Pen Tool Mini is as precision hand tool that fits in your pocket and feels/looks like a normal pen. Machined out of a single piece of metal, the body of the pen tool is strong and sturdy feeling, the magnets in the bits give you a feel of the tight connections and the small parts inside don't shake or rattle.
The functionality is like that of the old mechanical pencils I had in elementary school: You push a bit in the back and one comes out of the front. But when you're pushing from the front, there is a lock mechanism that keeps the bits from coming out the back, allowing you to use the appropriate pressure. While heading out for a weekend, I noted that my sunglasses took one bit size, my pocket knife another, and three for small adjustments on my bike. I packed those five bits into the pen, put the pen in my pocket, and I can rest easy knowing that I have those areas of maintenance covered if I need to address anything. Read the full review ...
This piece originally appeared at BaggersMag.com.