Enlisted intelligence Marines in nearly 20 specialties can now complete an undergraduate or graduate degree at the National Intelligence University in Washington, D.C., as just one of several many incentives perks offered by now used by Mmanpower officials to help stock the chronically undermanned field. Others include incentives include instant promotions for lateral moves, big re-enlistment bonuses and above average promotion opportunities.
Under the 2016 degree completion program, corporals through master sergeants in the 02 intelligence or 26 signals intelligence/ground electronic warfare fields can attend NIU to earn a bachelor of science degree in intelligence, a master of science in of strategic intelligence, or a master of science and technology in intelligence, according to Marine administrative message 399/15, published Aug. 13.
"The purpose of the Marine Corps Enlisted NIU program is to broaden the education and experience of enlisted Marines who have demonstrated potential for future leadership in the intelligence occupational fields," according to the message reads.
The one-year bachelor’s program or 40-week master's degree programs are a sure boost for any ambitious intelligence Marines seeking a career in uniform.
"While the completion of any one program cannot guarantee promotion, an NIU degree, like completion of any degree program, could be considered a positive factor when considering the 'whole Marine' in determining the best and most fully qualified for promotion," said Capt. Ty Balzer, a Marine spokesman at the Pentagon.
What is more, enlisted Marines who complete the regionally accredited NIU bachelor's program, "would be eligible to apply for the Marine Corps' Enlisted Commissioning Program" or could receive favorable consideration for a warrant officer program, he added.
Those admitted to the school will enjoy a unique experience in the only U.S. university where students can study and complete research in a top secret/sensitive, compartmentalized information environment, Balzer said.
Those interested Marines must apply no later than Dec. 1. Marines Those selected for the program will attend school during the 2016-2017 academic year.
In addition to meeting rank requirements, eligible Marines must have at least four years of service, but fewer than 18 as of July 1, 2016. They must also have at least three years time-on-station by July if assigned to the continental U.S. or be within 60 days of the end of an accompanied three-year tour abroad. Finally, applicants must have completed all required professional military education commensurate with their paygrade, meet height and weight standards, and be eligible for TS/SCI clearance.
Not to be overlooked, those applying must have some college work under their belt. Those seeking a bachelor's degree must have 80 credit hours with at least 20 in upper level "300-400 level classes." Those seeking a graduate degree must have completed a bachelor's and taken the Graduate Record Exam, scoring in the top 50th percentile. Those who already have a master's or doctorate are exempt.
For a more detailed breakdown of credit requirements, and step-by-step instructions on how to apply to the program, refer to the message, available online.
Those who are selected to attend school will incur two years of obligated service after graduation.
The education program is just one of many that officials are leveraging to keep the intel field stocked with enough Marines, despite a high washout rate at difficult schoolhouses and competition for personnel from lucrative civilian jobs.
Additional intel field perks include instant promotions. Under the "Intended Military Occupational Specialty Promotion Program" for fiscal 2016, lance corporals and corporals can instantly pick up rank by moving into one of 10 in-demand jobs, including two intel jobs, if they do not already meet minimum entry rank requirements for the specialties.
Intel Marines are also among the last Marines receiving generous reenlistment bonuses. Some counterintelligence/human intelligence specialists, for example, receive payouts maxing out at $56,000 even as the overall bonus budget evaporates.